Building bayesim: The journey begins

Imagine a group of adventurers gathered in a medieval tavern. As they share tales of their past deeds and toast to future adventures, the bargoblin approaches with a cryptic message, directing them to a shadowy figure lurking in a dim corner. Intrigued, the band of heroes walks over to meet the mysterious individual. This bald, enigmatic figure, prone to bouts of mischievous giggling, presents them with a formidable challenge: to embark on a simulation study involving “ONE MILLION MODELS”, whereupon it bursts into manic laughter and lifts its pinkie to the corner of their mouth. May their computational prowess be as mighty as their sword arms!

In this series (or what I imagine to become a series) I invite you to follow along while I develope bayesim.

Sure, there is a repo and we even used a past version (prototype number 2 I think?) for a paper but I have a tendency to try to engineer things to the point I am happy with them. Which, you might have guessed from bayesim being on version 0.35 on my dev branch and I am planning another rewrite, can take a while.
At this point I feel like I have encountered most of the engineering problems I would like to solve. Famous last words, I know… I also know a few people who’d be interested in using it for their own studies and could give me input on their use cases. Which makes this the perfect moment to essentially start work on a plan for a beta release and get the api somewhat stable.
My aim with this and upcoming posts is to document my development process to help myself think it through and open it up to feedback at the same time. So if at any point you feel the urge to shout “Duh! You obviously should do this!” or “Why are you not including my important use case!?!” in my general direction, feel invited to contact me so we can have a chat about that.

So, what exactly are we talking about again?

Simulation studies

From the perspective of implementation the important parts of a simulation study are data, models (at least in an abstract sense), and metrics (I am leaning on Morris, White, and Crowther (2019) and Kelter (2023) a little here if you want a deeper dive). I don’t aim to help with the whole planning part of a simulation study but rather build engineering tooling to make running one easier.
A simplified version of a simulation study flow is shown below. However this is by no means the only way to look at it. Datasets could be based on models itself and models could be iteratively adapted to both outcome metrics or datasets. But for now, lets Imagine a scenario where we would like to simulate datasets, fit Bayesian models on them and collect metrics for the outcome metrics.

So what do I want bayesim to be and what do I explicitly not want to be?


As this entire project grew from my own simulation study, I obviously want to keep supporting my own research. This mainly means I need support for arbitrary data simulation functions that feed of a simple configuration data.frame, I need to fit brms models on these datasets that have arbitrary formulas, likelihoods, links and priors. Finally, I have to calculate metrics on these models that need information about the data-generating process, collect all of the metrics, data about model fitting and data generation and save it in a parseable format. Ideally the entire thing is parallelized so I can run it in under a week, does not suffer from unforeseen problems such as cmdstanr model files vanishing from your tmp folder after a day or two and doesn’t eat my RAM for breakfast, just because it can. Another big thing is that the current system is full factorial in that all models are fit on each dataset and all metrics are calculate for each model. While I currently don’t have a good idea for how to define what should be combined in what way, it is at least something I would like to think about in the future, as Bayesian simulation studies can take a long time to run (I guess non-Bayesian ones can as well). If we don’t need every combination to be calculated, it saves a bunch of time to not calculate them in the first place. And while we had loo_compare support in one iteration of bayesim, we removed it as it was not a great solution and, at least in our case, we would have needed very precise grouping of models that were to be compared. If I can come up with a good solution, this is also something that I would like to add back. Oh, and the entire thing should be reproducible.

Additional things I would like to support is arbitrary functions for model fitting, so bayesim can be independent from brms, and metric calculation, so that it is easier for others to calculate metrics that bayesim doesn’t currently support.

But then comes the question, what is bayesim even doing if you have to generate your own configuration file, write your own data-generation function, write your own model-fitting function and even have to write your own metric-calculating function? Even if you were to go custom for all three, ideally there would still be some glue code in bayesim that could help you. And if not, the defined interfaces might at least make it easier for you than my first attempts of this. And, that is the beauty of open source software, you can always fork bayesim and hack whatever you need in there directly.

So what do I explicitly not want, at least for now? For one, I don’t plan on supporting model iterations for now. We had some cases of convergence problems during our study and thought about ways to eg. increase adapt_delta until convergence and then record how far we had to go. But at least in our case it was acceptable to just note that the models failed to converge. It should be trivial to implement with your own model-fitting function anyway, if you needed it (just loop the fitting until whatever you want is reached). Similarly, at least for now, I don’t plan on explicitly supporting multi-round simulations where the output of one round is used as the input for the second round.
And there probably are more things I don’t want that I haven’t thought about yet.

But lets use this as a starting point and dream up a system that ideally does everything we want it to.

Tests, documentation and other essentials

I know, I know. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Also, nobody reats the manual anyways right? But I’ll try my best. So one aspect that will be new for me during this series is writing tests and more than the bare minimum documentation for the parts we go over. New in the sense, that for some of the parts of bayesim, I am not sure how to test them at all. But That is a problem of future me (👋, love you). Similarly, if I want bayesim to be useful to others I need to write documentation that helps potential users with the whole usening thing. It probably is a lot easier to use something if you not only built it but it’s past three versions. One aspect that I want to look into a little more is that our tools are always educational in the sense that they shape our behavior based on the things they support. The whole “if all you have is a hammer, all problems look like nails” thing. (if you use SPSS for example, you probably think modeling and creating figures are a rusty axe stuck in your leg, fair). So I might want to spend some time reading up on the best practice papers I mentioned earlier to see if if bayesim can at least avoid some obvious pitfalls.

But ultimately, I want tests and CI for all things where I can make it work and documentation for everything users might find helpful. Long way to go but what else should I do with my time right? (If this is my last post you know that my supervisor reads my blog.)


Going back to the basic depiction of a simulation study flow from above, in code this could look something like the following, where we would just need to feed each function additional parameters about their respective jobs:

for (data_conf in data_conf_list) {
  dataset_list <- gen_dataset(data_conf)
  for (dataset in dataset_list) {
    for (model_conf in model_conf_list) {
      fit <- fit_model(dataset, model_conf)
      metrics <- calculate_metrics(fit, metric_list)

which is basically the current architecture of bayesim. With some fun sparkles on top to shave of some runtime here and there, like parallelization or reusing compiled model files. I have written multiple versions of the functions I drafted above and we will look at them in more detail throughout this series. For now, lets just keep this basic structure in mind (or please poke me if there is a better way). One drawback of the nested nature is that it not realy helping composability. Imagine instead something like this:

simulate_dataset(...) %>%
fit_model(...) %>%

which would make it much easier to replace individual parts of the pipeline or rearrange them, eg using the calculated metrics as input for another round of dataset generation. One problem that I encountered when thinking about this version was that it made parallelization harder. In the first version you can parallelize one of the loops and all sub-loops are automatically running in parallel that way. In the second version, functions can only be parallelized individually. In addition, the second version requires that all results from one functions are handed over to the next function at the same time. This can increase memory usage fast (ask me why I feel like 64GB of RAM is not enough). So while I would like this kind of composability, I don’t see how to make this happen in a usefull manner.

So the loopy version it is for now.

I’d rather keep this intro post short and not dive into the technicalities of individual parts as well so I will leave you with a gist of how we built the configuration for our simulation study that fits around one million models (there is a second one for the other half of equql length). Sure, it took time to build bayesim and get all the parts right but oh my is it satisfying if you build a few data.frames with 250 lines of R code and a week later you have 250MB .rds file of results in your inbox :)

Until next time, cheers.


Kelter, Riko. 2023. “The Bayesian Simulation Study (BASIS) Framework for Simulation Studies in Statistical and Methodological Research.” Biometrical Journal, 2200095.
Morris, Tim P, Ian R White, and Michael J Crowther. 2019. “Using Simulation Studies to Evaluate Statistical Methods.” Statistics in Medicine 38 (11): 2074–2102.
